But, alas, none of it would go as planned. First the one train was not running because someone was running around on the tracks. So I walked to the B/D train on Sixth Avenue and 23rd street. When I got to the library, the book that was being held for me--because I had returned it a week ago with a sentimental bookmark still in it--did not have the bookmark still in it. Feeling dejected about that, I headed outside, hoping I could at least see the moon, even though seeing stars in the city is practically impossible. I must've been in the wrong part of the city because I couldn't see the moon, and couldn't tell which way I needed to be facing to actually see it. Too many tall buildings. I was now doubly dejected, thinking how much I hated the city and it's tall building and city lights. I no longer felt the need to stand out in the cold for Winter Eve Fest, so I just walked on up Broadway to Fairway to get a few items. Of course they were busy, as always, with about five bajillion people in a store with little tiny aisles and maze-like walkways. I waited in a long line for three items, all the while increasing my hate for the city and all its people who need to buy groceries. I thought that at least when I got off the subway at my stop I would possibly be able to see the moon, since there are less tall buildings. No. No moon.
By now I was completely bummed, and completely absorbed in my hate for the city and how much it makes me walk and tires me out. So right then and there I decided to go my favorite deli, the Nadal Deli, and get a sandwich. It's something that I love in New York and I wanted it to erase my hateful feelings. Mission accomplished.
And today, since I had the day off, I went around the city doing a few things (which I will blog about later). And it just so happened that when I turned onto Broadway around 122nd street I looked up and saw the crescent moon in the twilight sky! What luck! I could barely make out the two bright spots of Venus and Jupiter, and knew that if I just waited a little bit til the sky got darker I'd be able to see it better. So I sat myself down on a bench in the middle of Broadway and waited. And boy was it worth it! The moon and the two planets looked beautiful in the dark blue sky; all of them shone so brightly. I'm a sucker for the moon and the feelings it evokes--feeling small in this huge universe and yet also like you're a part of something bigger.

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