Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I Take (Some of) it Back
I had to go to the bank on my lunch today. Because I went to the wrong bank and then got on the wrong train (let me explain those, so I don't sound so stupid. I bank with Washington Mutual, which got taken over by Chase during the whole bank crisis couple months ago. And while I can use their ATM's I cannot deposit money there, yet. And the TRAX stop at Gallivan Plaza is the transfer point for the Sandy and University lines; I foolishly got on the train without checking that it was going my way. It was not. And so I just walked from the courthouse to the bank that I needed to go to. Do I sound less stupid? Perhaps just more absent-minded?) I was able to do a fair amount of walking in downtown Salt Lake today. Not only did I enjoy walking again, something that I've surprisingly become fond of while being in New York, but I was able to walk on shoveled sidewalks! So some of Salt Lake's sidewalks do get shoveled. The city is not overrun with snow-covered sidewalks.

Monday, December 29, 2008
Training Day
I know you've all been waiting for me to stop talking about snow and Christmas and public transportation and want to know about Sundance! Well, to tell you the truth, there hasn't really been much goin on with that. There isn't a whole lot to be done before the festival actually starts, so much of my day is spent Facebooking and reading pointless articles online, and is occassionally interrupted by small tasks that need to be done. But those tasks rarely last long and then it's back to trying to find ways to waste the time before 5:00.
But today was Training Day. It was the day when half of our Ticketing Agents came in for their Orientation. I love that when you're on the other side of Orientation, as a supervisor, it can be called Training, because I'm not being oriented but instead am the one orienting. It's very exciting to feel in control and in charge. And even though I hate the spotlight to be on me, it was very exciting to get up in front fo those ten people and talk about Operations and Emergency Procedures and Sundance Policy and Lunches. Maybe it's just that part of me that longs to be back in a school environment, but it felt very much like preparing for a presentation for class and I very much enjoyed it.
Friday will be another Training Day for the other Ticketing Agents and I'm actually looking forward to it. At least I'll get to do something.
But today was Training Day. It was the day when half of our Ticketing Agents came in for their Orientation. I love that when you're on the other side of Orientation, as a supervisor, it can be called Training, because I'm not being oriented but instead am the one orienting. It's very exciting to feel in control and in charge. And even though I hate the spotlight to be on me, it was very exciting to get up in front fo those ten people and talk about Operations and Emergency Procedures and Sundance Policy and Lunches. Maybe it's just that part of me that longs to be back in a school environment, but it felt very much like preparing for a presentation for class and I very much enjoyed it.
Friday will be another Training Day for the other Ticketing Agents and I'm actually looking forward to it. At least I'll get to do something.
film festivals,

Sunday, December 28, 2008
A Bit of Complaining
First Complaint: The UTA (Utah Transit Authority) only sells monthly bus/TRAX passes by the actual calendar month. It's good from January 1st to January 31st. What about those people only visiting for a week, or those who arrive half way into the month? Or me, who needs it to start on the 28th and last until January 28th? Do I just suck it up and pay the $4.50 Rail Roundtrip fare? It's a system that instead of encouraging visitors and residents alike to use public transportation, makes it a costly hassle to figure out the ticketing. There's no weekly pass, or a monthly pass good for 30 days from purchase. You can't even buy the monthly pass at a TRAX station; it has to be purchased at grocery stores throughout the valley (bonus points, though, for being able to purchase it online and have it mailed to your house).
Second Complaint: major sidewalks are not shoveled. Snow from streets that have been plowed away get piled up on the sidewalks, making them practically impassable. The bus stops have no standing area, and to even get on the bus you'd have to step in a big pile of snow. This might not be the case for all major sidewalks here, but since I am not well-travelled on all the sidewalks in Salt Lake you'll just have to take my word for it. This certainly makes it harder for those who chose to ride the bus and utilize the public transortation in their city; it's as if their seen as not as important as those who ride cars.
In case you couldn't tell, public transportation is something I'm slightly passionate about, a by-produdct of living in a place that relies so heavily on it. I just get frustrated by the way public transportation is here. I realize it's not New York and there's not quite the same need for it here. A friend once told me that to really enjoy New York, you have to stop looking for Salt Lake/Utah in the city; the opposite can also be true. Once I stop looking for New York in Salt Lake, I can fully enjoy this other City.
Second Complaint: major sidewalks are not shoveled. Snow from streets that have been plowed away get piled up on the sidewalks, making them practically impassable. The bus stops have no standing area, and to even get on the bus you'd have to step in a big pile of snow. This might not be the case for all major sidewalks here, but since I am not well-travelled on all the sidewalks in Salt Lake you'll just have to take my word for it. This certainly makes it harder for those who chose to ride the bus and utilize the public transortation in their city; it's as if their seen as not as important as those who ride cars.
In case you couldn't tell, public transportation is something I'm slightly passionate about, a by-produdct of living in a place that relies so heavily on it. I just get frustrated by the way public transportation is here. I realize it's not New York and there's not quite the same need for it here. A friend once told me that to really enjoy New York, you have to stop looking for Salt Lake/Utah in the city; the opposite can also be true. Once I stop looking for New York in Salt Lake, I can fully enjoy this other City.

Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Happy Christmas
It was definitely a white Christmas here in Salt Lake. After staying up late Christmas Eve to wrap some presents and watch a movie, I woke in the morning to find lots of snow covering the ground. I took some pictures, but since I'm not using my laptop but rather my mom's computer, it's not quite as convenient as it usually is. But let me just tell ya that it was a lot of snow. And the wind made it worse. It looked like a blizzard out there!
And so it was a Happy Christmas. After my mom and sister opened our presents together, we lounged around until Jared and the kids came over to open their presents. The kids sure get more excited than us grown-ups do. There was pandemonium and one gift opened by the wrong person! I'm sad to say that I don't think my gift of books was much appreciated :( I bought my oldest niece, Ivy, the poem book Where the Sidewalk Ends and Cinder Edna, and hopefully she'll appreciate them more after the excitement of Christmas wears off and the flashy toys get broken or forgotten.
We played games, ate food, baked cookies and let the kids frost them. And, as is tradition, I went to a movie. And it wasn't without a little prodding on my part. It had started snowing again pretty heavily, to the point that the footsteps made just twenty minutes prior were no longer visible. But I was bound and determined to go, even if I would have to go alone (this is when I really missed being in New York; bad weather wouldn't be a problem because I wouldn't have to drive, and going alone is not a big deal in the city). I talked my mom into it, and we made our way through the snow drifts and white streets to the theater. And with seeing The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the tradition remains alive. Although the ride home was quite arduous, and when we got home there was snow so deep that the car wouldn't make it and so we had to part on the street.
What a great time of year it is. Merry Christmas!
And so it was a Happy Christmas. After my mom and sister opened our presents together, we lounged around until Jared and the kids came over to open their presents. The kids sure get more excited than us grown-ups do. There was pandemonium and one gift opened by the wrong person! I'm sad to say that I don't think my gift of books was much appreciated :( I bought my oldest niece, Ivy, the poem book Where the Sidewalk Ends and Cinder Edna, and hopefully she'll appreciate them more after the excitement of Christmas wears off and the flashy toys get broken or forgotten.
We played games, ate food, baked cookies and let the kids frost them. And, as is tradition, I went to a movie. And it wasn't without a little prodding on my part. It had started snowing again pretty heavily, to the point that the footsteps made just twenty minutes prior were no longer visible. But I was bound and determined to go, even if I would have to go alone (this is when I really missed being in New York; bad weather wouldn't be a problem because I wouldn't have to drive, and going alone is not a big deal in the city). I talked my mom into it, and we made our way through the snow drifts and white streets to the theater. And with seeing The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the tradition remains alive. Although the ride home was quite arduous, and when we got home there was snow so deep that the car wouldn't make it and so we had to part on the street.
What a great time of year it is. Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Garbage Digger
Sometimes, when you're walking around the city late at night, you can see people digging through the garbage bags on the street. They're looking for plastic and glass bottles, things they could redeem for money. Some times they're maybe even looking for food. But I doubt they're ever looking for earrings, which I did tonight. Yes, I was a garbage digger.
I had bought a pair of earrings for a gift for someone, but in the busyness of everything I sort of forgot about them and they got thrown away in a bag that was thought to be empty. Thankfully the garbage had been emptied just before I got home so the bags were on the top in the garbage dumpster-- but they were in corner that I couldn't reach. And since I didn't feel like climbing into the dumpster, I had to use a broom to pull them closer to me. Thank goodness there weren't a lot of icky, sticky, disgusting things in the garbage bag. But still, it was sifting through garbage.
I found the earrings, and will never look at those garbage diggers the same.
I had bought a pair of earrings for a gift for someone, but in the busyness of everything I sort of forgot about them and they got thrown away in a bag that was thought to be empty. Thankfully the garbage had been emptied just before I got home so the bags were on the top in the garbage dumpster-- but they were in corner that I couldn't reach. And since I didn't feel like climbing into the dumpster, I had to use a broom to pull them closer to me. Thank goodness there weren't a lot of icky, sticky, disgusting things in the garbage bag. But still, it was sifting through garbage.
I found the earrings, and will never look at those garbage diggers the same.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
In New York
While I'm here, I can't help but compare to how I do things in New York. My mom lives very close to her church--in New York terms I'd say it's about four blocks (the short blocks, not avenue blocks). That's the normal distance I walk every day just to get to the subway. Because it's cold outside, we drive to church. It takes, max, a minute and a half to get there. It just makes me laugh; rain, shine, snow, sleet or wind I'm off to church, and everywhere in the city, by first walking to the subway and then walking from the subway. A minute and a half car ride or a 30 minute subway ride. Oh, the city.....
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Peter Breinholt
So I kinda love Peter Breinholt, and ever since my sister went to one of his concerts on a date (even though she had no idea who he was), I've been jealous and have wanted to go myself. And tonight it finally happened! I must tell you that it was amazing and way cooler than that dreck performed by Michael McClean. I've always been a person who understands the power of music and can always be moved by it; I think it's because I have no actual musical talent. So I'm always very impressed by people who write and perform their own songs and play musical instruments. The show was fabulous; he and his band, which includes such local artists as Ryan Shupe and David Tolk, played for a good two hours, culminating in a wonderful medley of "Silent Night" and "The First Noel", with the audience joining in at the end to sing a verse of "Silent Night". (Sorry for the bad quality of the picture; I took it with my cell phone.)

We also used our time downtown to check out the lights on Temple Square. I'm also fascinated by lights at Christmastime, so this was a pretty cool night for me. I never cease to be amazed by the serene beautifulness of all the trees in Temple Square, and the surrounding plaza, lit up in oranges, whites, greens, blues and pinks. I love downtown Salt Lake City.

We also used our time downtown to check out the lights on Temple Square. I'm also fascinated by lights at Christmastime, so this was a pretty cool night for me. I never cease to be amazed by the serene beautifulness of all the trees in Temple Square, and the surrounding plaza, lit up in oranges, whites, greens, blues and pinks. I love downtown Salt Lake City.


Friday, December 19, 2008
Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland
It snowed today. A lot. From noon until pretty much now it's been snowing. I was beginning to think I had brought the weather and snow with me from New York--it snowed the day I flew in, and then proceeded to continue snowing intermittently with super cold temps; meanwhile New York had something of a heat wave with 67 degrees earlier in the week. But then all became okay, as the entire nation was blanketed with snow, all the way from Vegas to New York, and all seemed right in the world. I know that dealing with the snow and such isn't always fun, but there's something unifying about all of us as a nation dealing with shoveling sidewalks, driving in snow-blown wind, and bundling up to go outside. I'm just glad I got out of New York before getting out was, if not impossible, quite impeded.
And of course because it snowed I needed to go out on my lunch break to get some things done. I almost turned around because I couldn't take the snow falling into my face anymore, but decided to trek on. My fabulous orange cute may be cute, but it certainly isn't for snow weather (because I packed too much I wasn't able to also bring my real winter coat). The constantly falling snow needed to be brushed off my coat about every thirty seconds. This picture doesn't quite do it justice.
When I stepped into Wal-greens I was dripping water from my hat all over the place!
And this is the TRAX station at Trolley Square at the end of the day, around 5:00. Normally, on a clear day, you can see the mountains and the U in the background. All the streets and trees and sidewalks were covered with snow that it all looked so picturesque. If my finger weren't so cold from my soak-thru gloves I would've taken a picture.
And of course because it snowed I needed to go out on my lunch break to get some things done. I almost turned around because I couldn't take the snow falling into my face anymore, but decided to trek on. My fabulous orange cute may be cute, but it certainly isn't for snow weather (because I packed too much I wasn't able to also bring my real winter coat). The constantly falling snow needed to be brushed off my coat about every thirty seconds. This picture doesn't quite do it justice.
An Old New Yorker Thinks You Should Wear a Coat
Two days ago my mom and I were driving to work when I saw a bunch of kids standing at the corner waiting for the bus to come. The first thing I said upon seeing them: "Where are their coats?!" I sounded so much like a parental figure, an overbearing adult who thinks they know best, that I kind of shocked myself. Perhaps it's the New Yorker inside of me; people in New York are used to being out in the elements a lot and therefore are always bundled up. Sometimes they even bundle up too much, at just the slightest drop in temperature or hint of rain they come out dressed in full gear. But perhaps I am just getting older, something that you don't fully realize until you see younger kids and wonder what the heck they're doing. And at that moment, when you no longer relate and think you know better, you become older. If that means I'll be warm while they're freezing, I'll take it.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Train by Any Other Name...
Today I finally got to ride TRAX to work. For those not familiar, TRAX is Salt Lake's subway. Except it's above ground, and only has two separate lines--one running north/south and the other east/west (with other lines in the planning stages). So it's not nearly as extensive as other metro services, but for Salt Lake, and for this girl spending time here, it serves its purpose.
What I love about being in New York is that I'm connected to everything. I can walk out my apartment building and be just a short walk to the nearest subway, which then connects me to everything. I never have to worry about how I'll get somewhere; I know that by subway, bus, taxi or sidewalk I can get there. This is less true here in Salt Lake, where everything is much more spread out and therefore much more dependent on cars to get you from A to B. It has been a very hard adjustment for me, having to rely on other people to drive me around, get me to work on time, pick me up from work, take me to the store. It's quite the change to my independent and self-reliant ways I've learned in New York.
And that's why it felt so good to be standing at the TRAX station, standing in the 16 degree cold, waiting for the train to come. It felt good sitting there, next to strangers, just reading my book and enjoying the scenery. One thing I do love is the openness of TRAX and that I get to see the mountains and sky while riding. When I was waiting for the train at Trolley Square to come home I could see the lights of the city and cars against the backdrop of a pink and purple setting sun in an open sky. It seemed to be the perfect embodiment of me.
What I love about being in New York is that I'm connected to everything. I can walk out my apartment building and be just a short walk to the nearest subway, which then connects me to everything. I never have to worry about how I'll get somewhere; I know that by subway, bus, taxi or sidewalk I can get there. This is less true here in Salt Lake, where everything is much more spread out and therefore much more dependent on cars to get you from A to B. It has been a very hard adjustment for me, having to rely on other people to drive me around, get me to work on time, pick me up from work, take me to the store. It's quite the change to my independent and self-reliant ways I've learned in New York.
And that's why it felt so good to be standing at the TRAX station, standing in the 16 degree cold, waiting for the train to come. It felt good sitting there, next to strangers, just reading my book and enjoying the scenery. One thing I do love is the openness of TRAX and that I get to see the mountains and sky while riding. When I was waiting for the train at Trolley Square to come home I could see the lights of the city and cars against the backdrop of a pink and purple setting sun in an open sky. It seemed to be the perfect embodiment of me.

Monday, December 15, 2008
Orientation Day
Today was Day One with the Sundance Film Festival. It was nothing like this clip from The Hudsucker Proxy, but I just like that clip so much for its take on Orientation Day. Because if you've worked at all, if you've worked a lot, you've been to more than one Orientation Day, and they can be pretty boring, full of rules and regulations and things you can do and things you can only do under certain circumstances. It's kinda like the rodeo: if you've been to one, you've seen everything.
There were a few boring moments, but for the most part it all went pretty briskly and smoothly. The people all seem really nice and cool, which is generally the case with people in the film industry. And it was great to learn about Sundance and its general purpose, as opposed to the over-commercialized scene that sometimes comes across in the media. It is a non-profit organization that wants to promote the art of film and the process of making film. They have Director, Screenwriter and Composer Labs that they hold twice a year at the Sundance Resort. But since it is non-profit, they have to create partnerships with companies and corporations and individuals who will donate money and support the mission. And all the staff are really committed to the vision of Sundance.
So I'm excited for the job to really start tomorrow. I'm also excited for the 8 free comp tickets I get! If the experience is anything like my Tribeca Film Festival experience, I'm in for a really great time!
film festivals

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Your Tray Tables Up
I'm feeling pretty incoherent at this moment, seeing as how my day started at 3:30 AM New York time. Which means, when I convert it into Utah time, I got up at 1:30 and am now still up eighteen hours later. So if this post seems a little...all over the place...that's why.
I just want to give a shout-out to hopstop, who said that a taxi ride to LaGuardia airport at 5:00 in the morning would cost $23.83. You know how much I paid, before adding a tip? $23.85. I find that to be pretty darn impressive.
Someone once told me that I'd be a good flight attendant. She meant it as a compliment, in that when I'm in the cashier mode at the Crew I say the same thing to every customer: "Hi, how are you? Was anyone helping you today? These items are final sale, so they cannot be returned or exchanged. Thanks, have a good day." I very rarely veer from these words. So when I saw my flight attendants today, all I could think about is how they have to say the same words over and over, to people who don't care. I felt much empathy for them.
So it's snowing here. And, coupled with being with my family, makes it really feel like Christmastime. I've already been to a family Christmas party, where I was the celebrity, the cool girl who live in New York City, played with the niece and nephew, drove in the blizzard-like conditions on the freeway, and am now ready for bed. Those snippets of sleep on the plane don't really count for anything. Look for more coherent, and exciting, posts to come.
I just want to give a shout-out to hopstop, who said that a taxi ride to LaGuardia airport at 5:00 in the morning would cost $23.83. You know how much I paid, before adding a tip? $23.85. I find that to be pretty darn impressive.
Someone once told me that I'd be a good flight attendant. She meant it as a compliment, in that when I'm in the cashier mode at the Crew I say the same thing to every customer: "Hi, how are you? Was anyone helping you today? These items are final sale, so they cannot be returned or exchanged. Thanks, have a good day." I very rarely veer from these words. So when I saw my flight attendants today, all I could think about is how they have to say the same words over and over, to people who don't care. I felt much empathy for them.
So it's snowing here. And, coupled with being with my family, makes it really feel like Christmastime. I've already been to a family Christmas party, where I was the celebrity, the cool girl who live in New York City, played with the niece and nephew, drove in the blizzard-like conditions on the freeway, and am now ready for bed. Those snippets of sleep on the plane don't really count for anything. Look for more coherent, and exciting, posts to come.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Last Day..for Awhile
How fitting that my 100th post also comes on my last day in New York for six weeks. Don't know why it's really fitting, but 100 is such a milestone, so....
Today was a great day. The rains stopped and I was able to do the things I love most in the city. I saw a movie (the surprisingly great Frost/Nixon, thankfully at the "matinee" price of $6, since prices just went up to $12.50!), saw the Van Gogh Colors of the Night exhibit at the MOMA (was a little underwhelming after the amazing Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam), walked around the city (a by-product of my no-unlimited Metrocard, but also something I really love to do), and went to the library (which really wasn't a good thing, because I had to return John Adams, which I'm not done with and am craving to continue reading).
I even got up early and did my laundry. And now I'm going to bed late packing. I sure have a lot of stuff. Hopefully I make it to the airport on time....
Today was a great day. The rains stopped and I was able to do the things I love most in the city. I saw a movie (the surprisingly great Frost/Nixon, thankfully at the "matinee" price of $6, since prices just went up to $12.50!), saw the Van Gogh Colors of the Night exhibit at the MOMA (was a little underwhelming after the amazing Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam), walked around the city (a by-product of my no-unlimited Metrocard, but also something I really love to do), and went to the library (which really wasn't a good thing, because I had to return John Adams, which I'm not done with and am craving to continue reading).
I even got up early and did my laundry. And now I'm going to bed late packing. I sure have a lot of stuff. Hopefully I make it to the airport on time....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
And Then the Rains Came Down...
It's been raining all day today! And I know that because I was out in it from nine until 2:30. I thankfully had on my wellies, but I did not come prepared with gloves, a scarf or a hat. And boy was it cold! I was out doing some things with Mark and Maria, things that weren't really on my list. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them, but knew I didn't want to spend anymore time out in the rain. So I headed home to take a short nap and make some Christmas cookies.
And so I have accomplished a few items on my list, mainly the ones that didn't require going out. But there's still a lot left on the list--hello, laundry--that tomorrow will be a busy day. Of course I've saved everything for the last possible moment; I'm planning on getting up early to do laundry, maybe see a movie, go to the MOMA, perhaps go ice skating, check out what I can buy for people here in the city, and then top it all off with packing. Although, I no longer have an unlimited MetroCard because it expired on Wednesday and I was only going to be in the city for two more days; planning your day is much different when you have to think about paying for every in and out of the subway. We'll see how it all goes tomorrow.....
And so I have accomplished a few items on my list, mainly the ones that didn't require going out. But there's still a lot left on the list--hello, laundry--that tomorrow will be a busy day. Of course I've saved everything for the last possible moment; I'm planning on getting up early to do laundry, maybe see a movie, go to the MOMA, perhaps go ice skating, check out what I can buy for people here in the city, and then top it all off with packing. Although, I no longer have an unlimited MetroCard because it expired on Wednesday and I was only going to be in the city for two more days; planning your day is much different when you have to think about paying for every in and out of the subway. We'll see how it all goes tomorrow.....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Retail Rant
Tonight was my last night at the Crew for awhile, and it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm past the point of being nice to people simply because they happen to frequent the place I work. I'm all for being nice when I see and interact with people in natural settings, but when it's forced I'm not very good at it. I have a hard time making it seem like I really care about the fashion choices they are making. I've also learned during my time in retail that people generally annoy me. Their silly questions, their wants and requests. I get annoyed when I have to explain to them why they're getting an extra 30 percent off their merchandise. I get annoyed when they want me to wrap their items in tissue, even though it's clearly a waste of paper. I get annoyed when they can't swipe their own credit card when the machine is clearly right in front of them. I get annoyed when they ask me for a gift receipt after I've already finished their transaction and put everything in a bag and told them to have a nice day. I get annoyed when they think I should be helping them and only them. And I really get annoyed when they try to tell me how to do my job--I've been working at the Crew for over a year, I know what I'm doing!
I'm going to be working at a Crew in Salt Lake, but only one, perhaps two nights a week, so it'll be a nice break. And the only thing I'll miss are some of the people I work with.
And when I came home, this is what was waiting for me. Mark and Maria put up their tree while I was at work. Isn't it beautiful?! I'm such a sentimental fool. I of course turned off all the lights and just sat on our couch staring at it. Mark decided to put his tree up in our apartment this year because his roommates wouldn't appreciate it. So I say thank you to them.
And tomorrow I work on more of my list...
I'm going to be working at a Crew in Salt Lake, but only one, perhaps two nights a week, so it'll be a nice break. And the only thing I'll miss are some of the people I work with.

And tomorrow I work on more of my list...
A Procrastinator's List
My list of the things I need to get done before I leave for Salt Lake, not to return to the City for six whole weeks.
--laundry, yuck
--pack, more yuck
--figure out how to fit everything an over-packer needs for six weeks into one suitcase
--decide if I should buy my fam Christmas presents in the city or wait til I get to Utah
--see the Van Gogh exhibit at the MOMA
--work one more night at the Crew
--clean up my room, so if, fingers crossed, someone does sublet my room they will have their own space
--make cookies
--decide on how I'm going to get to the airport for my 7:02 AM flight
--have dinner with a bunch of friends from the Crew to celebrate Hanna's birthday on Thursday
--temporarily change my address
--try to finish the books I checked out from the Library
--see a bunch of New York things that are only here during the holidays
--stop wasting my time doing things that aren't necessary (researching my newest obsession, Ray LaMontagne, and other such banalities)
Thankfully I have Thursday and Friday off from the Crew, so hopefully most of these things will get done. Last night I went to the tree at Rockefeller Center to cross that off my as-yet-unformed-except-in-my-mind list. Here's a few pictures (my camera batteries died so these pictures are from my phone, hence the poor quality).

Even though I absolutely love lights and trees and all that jazz, the tree last night didn't have the same punch as it had when I saw it for the first time last year. Perhaps I'm more jaded, a real New Yorker. I think it was because it was unseasonably warm and I was much too bundled up, and therefore a little uncomfortable. Plus, as I sat on a bench on sixth avenue, looking at everything and breathing in this crazy city, I had this melancholy feeling like I was leaving forever and would never see it again. But I'll be back in six weeks, and the city will still be crazy.
--laundry, yuck
--pack, more yuck
--figure out how to fit everything an over-packer needs for six weeks into one suitcase
--decide if I should buy my fam Christmas presents in the city or wait til I get to Utah
--see the Van Gogh exhibit at the MOMA
--work one more night at the Crew
--clean up my room, so if, fingers crossed, someone does sublet my room they will have their own space
--make cookies
--decide on how I'm going to get to the airport for my 7:02 AM flight
--have dinner with a bunch of friends from the Crew to celebrate Hanna's birthday on Thursday
--temporarily change my address
--try to finish the books I checked out from the Library
--see a bunch of New York things that are only here during the holidays
--stop wasting my time doing things that aren't necessary (researching my newest obsession, Ray LaMontagne, and other such banalities)
Thankfully I have Thursday and Friday off from the Crew, so hopefully most of these things will get done. Last night I went to the tree at Rockefeller Center to cross that off my as-yet-unformed-except-in-my-mind list. Here's a few pictures (my camera batteries died so these pictures are from my phone, hence the poor quality).
Even though I absolutely love lights and trees and all that jazz, the tree last night didn't have the same punch as it had when I saw it for the first time last year. Perhaps I'm more jaded, a real New Yorker. I think it was because it was unseasonably warm and I was much too bundled up, and therefore a little uncomfortable. Plus, as I sat on a bench on sixth avenue, looking at everything and breathing in this crazy city, I had this melancholy feeling like I was leaving forever and would never see it again. But I'll be back in six weeks, and the city will still be crazy.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mormon Humor
Last week was the Lingos Film Festival, a yearly event put on by the New York Stake Singles to showcase aspiring filmmakers in the city. I didn't attend this year, but last year I did submit my documentary from my production class at the U. This is the winner this year (that's not to imply that mine won last year; although the programmer did schedule it for the last showing because it was his favorite) and I really wanted to post it because it's HI-larious! And the guys who made it, including the star, Ryan Simmons, are in my ward.
And then I also found this sweet little nugget of a gem. It wasn't part of the Lingos Film Fest, but it sort of made the rounds on Facebook. I also thought this was priceless, and hope that no one is offended by the use of Hitler.
And then I also found this sweet little nugget of a gem. It wasn't part of the Lingos Film Fest, but it sort of made the rounds on Facebook. I also thought this was priceless, and hope that no one is offended by the use of Hitler.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Can I Pet Your Dog?
I don't normally go ga-ga over babies or dogs when they come in the Crew. It just seems silly, as they're not mine and I have no direct relation to them, ankle-biters or canines alike. But I do have a slight soft spot for cute dogs, and having just seen Bolt last week, and loved it, I was quite taken with a dog that was in the store today. I'm not fluent in dog breeds and such, but I'm pretty sure this was the same dog as Bolt. She was just so beautiful and well-behaved that I had to ask her owner if I could pet her. And would you know, her owner was none other than Kathryn Erbe....the chick from Law and Order: Criminal Intent! So I know she's not a huge celebrity, but she gets mondo extra cool points for owning a dog, Lilah is her name, that she rescued from a pound. Wow! She and her dog were just so nice and friendly that I had to tell you all about them.

celebrity sightings

Sunday, December 7, 2008
When you ride the subway, there's a wealth of information available to you in the form of posters and advertisements. Since there's not a whole lot to do on the subway, and it's rude to stare at people, you find yourself looking at all the ads and posters. There's almost always a poster for some school, some lawyers promising you lots of money, or some doctor promising you results. The MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) has decided to use some of the advertising space for its SubTalk. Some of these tout the goodness of the MTA, let you know about special fare offers, and that "If you see something, say something." And then there are those select few that have quotes from books and poems. This is one that I've seen quite frequently and wanted to share.
America was discovered accidentally by a great seaman who was looking for something else when discovered it was not wanted, and most of the exploration for the next 50 years was done in the hope of getting thru or around it. America was named after a man who discovered no part of the New World. History is like that, very chancy.
--Samuel Eliot Morison
When I read this it made me reflect that life in general is also quite chancy. How often are we looking for something entirely different than what we ultimately end up finding? I love the idiosyncrasies of life and that someone else could put it down in words, and compare it to finding America. Sometimes we just gotta take what we find even if it seems like it's not worth it, because who knows what treasures it could end up holding.
America was discovered accidentally by a great seaman who was looking for something else when discovered it was not wanted, and most of the exploration for the next 50 years was done in the hope of getting thru or around it. America was named after a man who discovered no part of the New World. History is like that, very chancy.
--Samuel Eliot Morison
When I read this it made me reflect that life in general is also quite chancy. How often are we looking for something entirely different than what we ultimately end up finding? I love the idiosyncrasies of life and that someone else could put it down in words, and compare it to finding America. Sometimes we just gotta take what we find even if it seems like it's not worth it, because who knows what treasures it could end up holding.

Let it Snow?
It snowed last night. Well, I'm not sure "snowed" is the right word. It flurried. For about an hour. Nothing stuck to the ground, and the city isn't covered in a blanket of snow this morning. But while snow can be really exciting and pretty, especially when it's Christmas time, it can kinda be a pain in the city. It looks pretty for about half an hour, before all the people and cars make it slushy an dirty. And then it's just awful, having to drudge through snow and wet on the streets...and on the subway...and in all the stores. And then the snow is less exciting and more excruciating. Oh, to be a kid again when snow was always exciting and snow-days applied to you.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Grant and Bryant

Did you know that General Grant is buried in New York? And it's not far from where I live. Since I had the day off (the Crew is getting short on hours...something about a bad economy...) I decided I would spend it doing some cool things in New York. Some people like New York because of its nightlife, or its fashion scene, or the places to eat, or its school offerings. I like New York because it's old and has so much history. Question: Why didn't I major in history? (a: because I was lazy in college!) So I'm taking full advantage of my opportunities to see history while I'm here.

General Grant was a rather interesting figure in history. While being a great General in the Civil War, almost single-handedly turning it around in favor of the North, he was a not so celebrated President. It was plagued with scandals and other misfortunes, but did have some distinguishing marks, such as signing the bill that created Yellowstone National Park and the ratifying of the Fifteenth Amendment. He was an interesting character, having battled alcoholism and becoming bankrupt after his presidency while in New York. I'd definitely like to read a biography about him.

It's officially called Grant's Tomb, and it really is quite remarkable looking. It's technically a mausoleum, and it was modeled after those of Napoleon and some other famous dead people I was not familiar with. I didn't take any pictures inside because it seemed wrong.
I'm such a sucker for these historical sights.
And then I was off to Bryant Park to see the lighting of their Christmas Tree. For those who don't live in the city, the Rockefeller Christmas Tree is the most well-known, but there are lots of other trees in the city. It wasn't too cold of a night, and probably not nearly as crowded as it will be tonight at Rockefeller Center. The tree is beautiful, although I do like mulitcolored lights more. But it was a great way to feel festive and partake in all that the city has to offer.
So this is the tree before it was lit...

And after.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Lovely Lunar Delight
Yesterday was just one of those days where I hated New York. Everything about it was awful. I left work--at 4pm--feeling absolutely tired. All I wanted to do was go home and just be lazy, but I needed to first stop by the library, try to attend Winter Eve Fest at Lincoln Square, make a quick detour into Fairway for some groceries, and hopefully see the moon in its crescent shape along with the two bright "stars" of Venus and Jupiter.
But, alas, none of it would go as planned. First the one train was not running because someone was running around on the tracks. So I walked to the B/D train on Sixth Avenue and 23rd street. When I got to the library, the book that was being held for me--because I had returned it a week ago with a sentimental bookmark still in it--did not have the bookmark still in it. Feeling dejected about that, I headed outside, hoping I could at least see the moon, even though seeing stars in the city is practically impossible. I must've been in the wrong part of the city because I couldn't see the moon, and couldn't tell which way I needed to be facing to actually see it. Too many tall buildings. I was now doubly dejected, thinking how much I hated the city and it's tall building and city lights. I no longer felt the need to stand out in the cold for Winter Eve Fest, so I just walked on up Broadway to Fairway to get a few items. Of course they were busy, as always, with about five bajillion people in a store with little tiny aisles and maze-like walkways. I waited in a long line for three items, all the while increasing my hate for the city and all its people who need to buy groceries. I thought that at least when I got off the subway at my stop I would possibly be able to see the moon, since there are less tall buildings. No. No moon.
By now I was completely bummed, and completely absorbed in my hate for the city and how much it makes me walk and tires me out. So right then and there I decided to go my favorite deli, the Nadal Deli, and get a sandwich. It's something that I love in New York and I wanted it to erase my hateful feelings. Mission accomplished.
And today, since I had the day off, I went around the city doing a few things (which I will blog about later). And it just so happened that when I turned onto Broadway around 122nd street I looked up and saw the crescent moon in the twilight sky! What luck! I could barely make out the two bright spots of Venus and Jupiter, and knew that if I just waited a little bit til the sky got darker I'd be able to see it better. So I sat myself down on a bench in the middle of Broadway and waited. And boy was it worth it! The moon and the two planets looked beautiful in the dark blue sky; all of them shone so brightly. I'm a sucker for the moon and the feelings it evokes--feeling small in this huge universe and yet also like you're a part of something bigger.
This picture in no way does it justice, but just as I was getting ready to cross the street and get something better some clouds covered up the moon. I waited for the clouds to continue moving, but they never did and I needed to get going. But man, was it breathtaking.
But, alas, none of it would go as planned. First the one train was not running because someone was running around on the tracks. So I walked to the B/D train on Sixth Avenue and 23rd street. When I got to the library, the book that was being held for me--because I had returned it a week ago with a sentimental bookmark still in it--did not have the bookmark still in it. Feeling dejected about that, I headed outside, hoping I could at least see the moon, even though seeing stars in the city is practically impossible. I must've been in the wrong part of the city because I couldn't see the moon, and couldn't tell which way I needed to be facing to actually see it. Too many tall buildings. I was now doubly dejected, thinking how much I hated the city and it's tall building and city lights. I no longer felt the need to stand out in the cold for Winter Eve Fest, so I just walked on up Broadway to Fairway to get a few items. Of course they were busy, as always, with about five bajillion people in a store with little tiny aisles and maze-like walkways. I waited in a long line for three items, all the while increasing my hate for the city and all its people who need to buy groceries. I thought that at least when I got off the subway at my stop I would possibly be able to see the moon, since there are less tall buildings. No. No moon.
By now I was completely bummed, and completely absorbed in my hate for the city and how much it makes me walk and tires me out. So right then and there I decided to go my favorite deli, the Nadal Deli, and get a sandwich. It's something that I love in New York and I wanted it to erase my hateful feelings. Mission accomplished.
And today, since I had the day off, I went around the city doing a few things (which I will blog about later). And it just so happened that when I turned onto Broadway around 122nd street I looked up and saw the crescent moon in the twilight sky! What luck! I could barely make out the two bright spots of Venus and Jupiter, and knew that if I just waited a little bit til the sky got darker I'd be able to see it better. So I sat myself down on a bench in the middle of Broadway and waited. And boy was it worth it! The moon and the two planets looked beautiful in the dark blue sky; all of them shone so brightly. I'm a sucker for the moon and the feelings it evokes--feeling small in this huge universe and yet also like you're a part of something bigger.


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