Just in case I'm giving off the vibe that I'm not happy in Salt Lake, or that I regret my move back, let me tell you about my wonderful Saturday and the simple events that made me realize that I really do love this city.
First, my friend Cat and I caught an early temple session at the
Salt Lake Temple. I haven't been back to this temple specifically since taking out my endowment in August and it was great to be back inside the beautiful building that has so much history. It took the Saints forty years to build it, having to stop and cover it up with dirt a couple times, and is such a marvelous edifice to the determination and hard work of the early Saints that I can't help but admire it.
Later in the day I was then able to have lunch and run some errands with my mom and nieces and nephew. I cherish the moments I get to spend with them and I love seeing how they each grow and become their own little people with distinct personalities and quirks. As we shopped for some Thanksgiving needs, I realized that this will be my first
Thanksgiving home in two years.
In the evening I headed downtown, one of my favorite places to be in Salt Lake. It was such a lovely, warm night that I walked from a building a co-worker helped
paint a mural on to the Gateway shopping center. Even though the streets of downtown are nothing like the crowded sidewalks of New York, there's a certain peacefulness in it that I love. I walked by Temple Square and realized that pretty soon it will be
lit up with lights on every tree.
While at The Gateway wasting time before the Jazz Game, I happened upon a free concert.
Jon Schmidt, a local Utah musician, was going at it on the piano, playing beautiful Christmas arrangements and getting the crowd ready for the
lighting of the tree. And when the tree was finally turned on and lit up in its dazzling colors, I admit that I got a little emotional and excited for the coming Christmas season. There's something about the lighting of a tree and its simple beauty that gets me all nostalgic for
Christmases past.
And after all that, I was able to spend the evening cheering on the
Jazz to an overtime win with my sister and cousin. A great day in this second city that I love.