Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Getting Ready

Tomorrow is Turkey Day. This is my first Thanksgiving home in two years, and I've decided to sort of become co-host of the day. To take the burden off my mom I am in charge of dessert, the sweet potatoes, and rolls. This might sound simple, but I'm making all of them from scratch. Well, I'm not growing the yams or making the cream cheese, obviously, but nothing is coming from a can or store bought.

I found a recipe online for Bourbon Pecan Smashed Sweet Potatoes. I'm going to give it a try tomorrow. I really hope it goes well, because I really love sweet potatoes and would really feel like something was missing if there weren't any. The past two years I had Thanksgiving with Maria and Marky Mark and both times this is the type of sweet potatoes they made. Seeing as how anything straying from the accepted norm doesn't always go over so well with my family, this could end up being disastrous. (Going to the liquor store for the bourbon was quite fun; I definitely felt out of place and that everyone around me could tell I had no idea what I was doing.)

As for the rolls, I'm making them from a recipe from a friend's Aunt who made them while I was in Salmon. They were the best rolls I've ever had. I've never made them before, and I love rolls more than I love sweet potatoes and would feel like a complete failure if they didn't turn out being somewhat edible. I would have to declare Thanksgiving officially ruined.

Thankfully, though, my desserts are to die for and tried and true. My signature dessert is White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake, which is cooling as I type, and always gets great reviews. I've also made a Decadent Peanut Butter Pie that is setting in the fridge. So if nothing else goes right, at least we'll have something sweet to drown our empty stomachs in.



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