Thursday, November 26, 2009

Another Turkey Day Down

Let me just start by putting it out there: the rolls were not a success, and even though the sweet potatoes turned out perfect, it appears no one in my family besides my mom enjoys nuts in their sweet potatoes. So while everyone was enjoying gobs of mashed potatoes on their plates, the sweet potatoes didn't get the same love.

I got up early this morning to start on the rolls. I doubled the recipe so that we would have enough; if there's one thing my family likes, its bread. Well, being the under-estimator and general non-planner that I am, I didn't have enough flour or a big enough bowl. I tried my hardest to make it work, but after two hours the dough was still the same sad size. In the trash it went and off to Smith's we went for some store-bought rolls.

The Bourbon Sweet Potatoes went much more smoothly, even if I did have way too much and no one but my mom and me ate them. I'm still counting it as a success. And next time I'll just make regular candied yams to please my traditional eating family.

Dessert was also a success, even if my two cheesecakes and my mom's two pies are way too much for just four adults and three little kids. There will definitely be enough to tide me over all week. So even though I feel like my duties for Thanksgiving didn't turn out just as I would have liked them to, it wasn't ruined. All that really matters is that I spent the time with my mom, brother, sister, nieces and nephew.

And being the dork that I am, I asked everyone to go around and say what they were thankful. I got many eye rolls, and no one seemed that into the idea, but the kids sure were cute about what they were thankful for. And since none of you were around my table, let me give you the blog version of what I'm thankful for: a place to live, a job, my functioning body, friends who take care of me, family who loves me, my bus pass, sleeping, food, reusable shopping bags, clementines, music.


Karen said...

it was so good to see you at the Jazz game! I am sorry your rolls did not turn out!!!! Love you!


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