Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Recap

 You know what happened in 2015? A lot of things, naturally, but for me 2015 can be summed up by three awesome events:

1. Moved to Denton, Texas
2. The Royals won the World Series
3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

 Of course there were other exciting/non-exciting things to happen in 2015. There were a couple road trips to discover my new state.There was the North Texas State Fair and the Texas State Fair. There was Bike Month and Pedestrian Safety Week. There were trips to Kansas and visits from family and friends. There were lots of movies. There was ice days and heat. There was a trip to Portland and lots of bike riding.

There were long days and work and busy days at work. There wre days at the Community Market and community bike rides. There were Netflix-binges and catching up on old show on Amazon Prime.

There were moments of sadness and moments of joy. There were bad choices made and good choices made. There was struggle and questioning and second-guessing. There was exquisite moments of happiness and excitement and surety.

It was a pretty great year, and if 2016 wants to be the same it better bring its A-game.



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