Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Year in Denton

You guys, I've been in Denton a whole year. A year to the day. Where does the time go?

It's amazing how fast a place you had never heard of until you applied for a job there can become home. How fast you can love the place you live and all the people in it. Sometimes I feel like I got so incredibly lucky to end up here that I just can't believe it.

I have been lucky that each time I've moved to a different state a family member has helped me. My mom and sister helped me move to NYC. My sister helped me move back to SLC. My mom and niece, Ivy, helped me move to Topeka. And my dad and amazing bosom friend, Janae, helped me move to Denton. Each time my helpers boarded a plane and left me alone in my new city I cried or was sad.

Except in Denton. Perhaps it was because I'm an old pro at this now and moving and living away from family and friends is easier to deal with. Maybe I'm just meant to be in Denton.

Here's a few photos of Denton landmarks - the sign at the train station, the famous Campus Theater at sunset, the landmark Morrison's Corn Kits, the Courthouse on Flag Day, and the shoe shop off the Square.



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