It was Easter Day two years ago that I
started my blog. That morning I had to attend a meeting at the Crew, and then headed uptown to attend church. I was invited by some friends to have Easter dinner with them in their cute brownstone in Harlem. I was assigned to bring dessert--angel food cake. I took on this duty with the full intent that I could make it even though I did not have an angel food cake pan. I did not want to buy one (I was a poor New Yorker with no vision of me using it again), and after consulting my roommates, decided I could bake it in two circle pans. The dinner was amazing, and when it came time for dessert, I was a little embarrassed at my cake, as it had burned a little, was a little lopsided, and because one of the people there was an actual dessert chef. It tasted fine if each bite was covered with whip cream and loads of strawberries.
At the time, I had only been in New York for seven months. It would be first Easter away from home. Jessica was kind enough to invite me. The people in the picture are really amazing people; Marcus helped me move in even though he had never met me, Cristi is so kind and genuine, Jessica always has great things to say, Soo was always good for a nice laugh, Jeff helped me move twice and has the distinction of having performed at The Apollo, I don't know Adam very well, and Aaron is the pastry chef who now lives in Dubai. Wow. What a great time.

When I got home from dinner, I created my blog.
Now here it is two years later. And again I don't really have an Easter thought, except that Easter is a great time of reflection on the Savior's resurrection. So other than that, I'll give you my thought on Easter: Make good judgments, but don't judge.
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