Friday, April 9, 2010

Something New

In case you haven't noticed, my blog has been changed. It was really slow at work yesterday and I had time to look around at a lot of things on the internet. I've been meaning to change my blog for awhile, but could never find something I really liked. I had my heart and mind set on something with an owl, because I've become obsessed with them a little. So I googled, "cute owl template", and this random site popped up, She has some really awesome stuff, so check it out. Mine is called "The Owl and Pussycat...went to sea," and I really loved the image of them in a canoe, by the moonlight, playing a guitar, and the cat with that happy, peaceful look on its face. And the colors just really pop!

Also, I love my new camera. I love even more that when I took it out of the box and it was making a weird clicking sound, Best Buy exchanged it for me with no problems. Pictures forthcoming from the totally awesome new camera.



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