My fabulous friend Pam is visiting all the way from Pennsylvania. Pam, me and Cat, when we all lived in the same state, used to have dinner together once a month.We all met in Sign Language at the U and didn't want to fall prey to the friendship ending once the class ended. We called it our Girls' Night (after failed attempts of trying to think of a cooler name) and would eat at a different place each month. We were so diligent, and when I moved to New York and Pam to Pennsylvania, leaving Cat all alone, it was a sad occasion. So whenever one of us would be visiting, or when luck would have it that we were both visiting, we would get together.
Tonight we went to Su Casa, which has kind of become "our place." I think it's because of the chips and mint truffles.

I love these girls so much. I can't think of a better reason for me taking Sign Language than meeting these two people, because there wasn't much else I got out of the class. After four years, moving to other states, and a baby, we can still get together and fall right back in to everything (of course, blogs and Facebook helps, along with visits to PA). Friends are awesome, and I'm excited for Pam to be "moving back" in December.

Me and Pam, and Cat with Pam's little guy, Dutch.
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