I got a picture of the sign to show that we were actually in Virginia. Then there were all the bikers on the freeway. This was the only time I took pictures, but they were in every state we went to. I loved the greenness of the freeway--it's all surrounded by trees, which makes it feel like you're driving down a tunnel.

We made two major stops in Tennessee, Nashville and Memphis, which I already wrote about. Both were great cities that I enjoyed just walking in. What I love most about traveling is experiencing a city, and the best way to do that is to walk through it. It's nice to just soak it in and feel a little like a local. I would love to spend real time in each of the cities--and every city I visit--so I could really feel like I knew the city and could catch its vibe and energy. It's hard to capture in just a couple hours, but I can at least get a little sliver of it.
Our next stop was in Conway, Arkansas, and I will admit that I chose to stay there because it's where Kris Allen is from. I somehow got sucked into American Idol this year and was quite glad when my personal favorite came out the winner. Anyway, we stayed at a Motel 6, and it's amazing what just $30 less can get you in the hotel world.

Staying in Topeka with Tom and Terry was great. They are just like family to me. I used to spend a month of my summers with them in Kansas and their cabin at the lake. I'm not sure I have a single childhood memory that doesn't include them and Terry's daughter, my best friend, Amber. I went everywhere with them and was like their second daughter. I can't believe how much time has passed since those summer days, but being with them now it felt as if it had only been a drop in the bucket.
And while I didn't take any pictures of people, I did go a little crazy with the cloud pictures. I just couldn't stop, it was SO beautiful!

I couldn't stop marveling at the vastness of the horizon and how it seemed to go on forever with no mountains to stop it. And maybe I've just been in New York for too long, but I even found Wyoming to be quite beautiful, even if it did rain on us most of the time.