I went grocery shopping, and miss being able to pay two bucks for an entire gallon of milk, avocados for fifty cents, 18 eggs for a dollar fifty. I paid $2.39 for a half gallon of milk, $1.50 for one avocado, and $2.19 for a dozen eggs.
I miss the large grocery stores in Salt Lake; walking into Wal-mart felt like walking into an airplane hangar. Space is much more limited here, and therefore grocery shopping is ten times worse.
I washed my hair and didn't notice any dry flakes afterward. The cold in Utah is so dry that I couldn't keep anything moisturized, especially my scalp.
I rode the bus at 10:00 at night and felt normal.
I got off the plane at JFK and there was no one with a "Welcome Home Aunt Julie" sign. No one to give me a hug and put my suitcases in their car and take me home. Instead there was a cab driver who took me home.
I got to where I needed to go without having to scrape snow and ice off a car.
I walked down Fifth Avenue and was never the only person on the street.
I rode the subway and walked to church.
I was alone, and yet didn't feel lonely.
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