Monday, January 3, 2011

Return of the Bachelor (A Rant)

The Bachelor returns tonight. This isn't just any Bachelor, but Bachelor Brad Womack. He's already been the bachelor once before, and when he didn't pick either girl at the end of his "journey of love," he was vilified publicly from everyone from Oprah to Ellen to random housewives and college girls. Apparently, it would have been better for him to lie to one of the girls, say he loved them, propose marriage, and then have it end a few months later. I think that would've been A LOT worse. We claim to want honesty out of guys, but when we actually get it we are angry that they don't feel the same way. Yes, it hurts when someone doesn't return your feelings (and I strongly question those feelings felt on a dating show where you are competing with 20 other girls and only see the guy minimally) but it sure is better than having them lie to you and then hurt you even more later when they break your phony engagement.

I actually commend him for recognizing that he wasn't feeling it with either of the girls, and instead of cheapening the engagement going for honesty instead. I think both girls, Deanna and Jenni, would actually feel relieved and thankful that he didn't lie to them. We all get hurt and hurt others in relationships, and what matters is when you find the one who IS right you are different. He clearly didn't pick either girl because neither was right, and both of them are engaged now so he clearly wasn't their right one, either.

And while I'm on it, the girls on this show are Crazy with a capital C! They already think the Bachelor is their husband, that he's their soulmate. They haven't even met him!! My friends and I enjoy watching it together and commenting on the crazies and the meanies, the strange ones and the seemingly normal ones. If nothing else, it's a good conversation starter on dating and gender roles. And usually, it's good for a for laughs.



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