Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Building?

I got lost* on campus today. It was slightly embarrassing. The entire time I was an undergrad at the U, my classes were in two buildings. As a grad student, my classes will all be in one of those two buildings used as an undergrad, the atrociously ugly Art and Architecture Building. All of my classes but one.

That one, Urban and Regional Analysis, is in the BU C Building. I have never had a class in this building. I left the library with my arrogant attitude of, "I'm a grad student, of course I know where the building is." I sadly did not and was five minutes late. Good thing the teacher is chill, and the only thing hurt was my own feelings of coolness :)

*Lost might be the wrong word. I wasn't "lost" in that I didn't know where I was, but "lost" in that I didn't know where to go. I was at least in the correct vicinity, after being in the wrong building.



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