Last night my friend Cat and I drove down to Provo to check out her vollyeball-playing cousin square off against in-state rivals Utah. Volleyball is exciting and fun to watch, and even though the Cougars lost, it was a fun time.

A ton of Cat's family was there to support their cousin and niece, and I spent the time chasing Cat's little cousin around the court. Despite my ambivalence about having my own kids, I definitely like playing with them and seeing their energy and excitement for the most simple things.

Then Cat and I headed to the BYU Creamery on Ninth. The ice cream was awesome and super cheap, and while there I felt nostalgic for a college experience I never had. Sometimes I feel like I missed out on something by not going to BYU, or even having a traditional college experience. I never lived on campus or did traditional college things. But I guess that's life, and I have a degree, even if it is from Utah :)
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