As the rain fell down on Salt Lake yesterday, I set out for my final full day of working Sundance. And after that was done, it was off to one more double feature. Thankfully Lauren, one of our Ticketing Agents who came all the way from Tennessee to work the festival, was going to the same movies as me and offered to give me a ride so I wouldn't have to walk in the rain (my, oh my, my inner New York-self was cringing at how lazy and walk-averse I've become while in Salt Lake). The first movie of the day was
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, which just so happened to be directed by and written by, and starring, John Krasinki. Unfortunately, it was the last day of the festival so no one was there for a Q&A afterward. How very sad. Then it was off to the Broadway to see
Paper Heart, probably the second best film I saw at Sundance. Sweet, simple, cute, endearing, funny, it was almost the complete opposite of
Brief Interviews. And that is why Sundance is so great--all the diversity.
And then we were off to Park City for the Awards Party. This might sound really cool, and it was definitely a fun time, but it's not like it was this huge party with a ton of famous people. By the time the Festival wraps up on Saturday night, most of the major celebrities are gone. So the party was mostly Festival staff and volunteers, locals who had passes, and the few filmmakers still left who won an award (or didn't). And most of them aren't really "famous" or celebrities, so if I tell you I saw the chick from
Paper Heart, Charlynne Yi, you're not really going to get excited. Same thing for seeing the director of a documentary I saw at the Festival. A few minor actors were there, but nobody like what I've seen just working at the Crew.

But, to my utter delight,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt was there. You might remember me talking about his film I saw earlier in the week and how
I'd like to get my hands on him. I didn't want to make a fool of myself, and he was almost always surrounded by pretty chicks, but I also didn't want to miss my chance to to at least be next to him. So Laure, being a great friend, said she would walk next to him with me and push me into him. I felt a little strange doing that,and just settled for my back brushing up against his and tried to maneuver my way around the crowded party. That was enough for me, because in all actuality it's the character he created that I liked so much, not him the actor. I did try to get a picture of him on my phone though. It's really bad quality, but just take my word for it that that's him in the red shirt.
I danced the night away, and totally rocked the dance floor when "
Single Ladies" played near the end. I used to be totally shy about dancing in front of people, but I think my inhibitions get lessened when I'm surrounded by people who are drunk. I don't drink, but the people seeing me dancing would just think that I've had a few too many so it's easier to let loose.
We finally made it home, very late, which caused me to be late to work this morning. Oh well. It's the last day of the festival.