Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tears for The Book Thief

Tonight I cried on the bus. I haven't taken the bus home from school in awhile, but tonight I didn't mind. I wanted the time alone to read and think. I sat on the bus with tears in my eyes as I turned the last pages of the story of the Book Thief, death, an accordion, war, and love. I was sad to see it end and glad to be able to take the journey.


pambelina said...

I'm so glad you liked it. It's nice to have someone to share it with.

HeRoosSheRoos said...

I just finished reading the Book Thief Sunday and loved it. Some of my favorite characters are in this book- Hans, Rudy, and of course Liesel. I know it's a good book when I keep thinking about it days after I've read it.

By the way, what version of The Scarlet Pimernel do you recommend?

Hang in there!


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