Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lasagna Part Two

Remember when I tried a Pumpkin Lasagna recipe for my family a few months ago? And remember that it was a complete disaster? Huge disaster, on par with Katrina and Haiti. It's still talked about with my family; the line, "Well, it can't be worse than pumpkin lasagna," is a common phrase tossed about at dinner quite frequently.

Last night I made regular ol' lasagna, with meat and cheese, for my family to celebrate my mom's birthday. This was the result:

I unfortunately deleted the corresponding pictures of the pumpkin lasagna, but they were the exact opposite--full plates and barely touched main dish. I'm glad it was a success, so my slowly-growing cooking confidence wasn't completely shattered.


Anonymous said...

At the game on Wednesday Jared told me how relieved he was that you were making "regular" lasagne! He said that the pumpkin lasagne had "leaves" in it! LOL! Some people just don't have very sophisticated palates!!!!!

Jenny Axford Cook said...

Looks yummy! Good work!!!


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