Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Public Bathroom

New York is just one big public bathroom. Dogs are always using the sidewalk as their own very large backyard. The subway platform at 42nd street has smelled like urine in this one particular spot for the past three days (and no, I'm not stopping at that point, but I have to walk by that spot to get to my spot). And, to top it all off, the cab I took home last night had to have been used as someone's toilet that day, as the intense smell overwhelmed me just after I got in and closed the door (curse my co-worker for letting me get the first cab as he waited for the next one!). I guess that's why all the windows were down. I spent the entire ride breathing through my mouth with the wind blowing in my face.

Don't even get me started on how the city is also just one big garbage can...


Lady Holiday said...

Welcome back to New York! Just in time for hot, smelly summer...


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