First off, it was excruciatingly long. It started at 8:40, had a fifteen minute intermission (at which point I was told the first half was just set up for the amazing second half and I said, "Two and a half hours of set-up?! It better be a darn good pay off!" It wasn't.), and ended at 12:20. I can handle long movies, as long as I'm not feeling every minute of it. I felt every second of Part II.

I kept waiting for something to happen. Something as amazing as Don Corleone being gunned down in the street, Michael going to the hospital, Sonny and his curly hair, Michael coming out of the bathroom, Connie and Carlo fighting, Sonny getting gunned down on the road. But nothing but a lot of talking, and more talking, and positioning, and an occasional scene of excitement, followed by more talking. I waited four hours for something to make me as excited, scared, on-edge, nervous, awed as I was by The Godfather. It never happened.
I get what the story's doing in Part II--the whole paralleling of Vito and Michael and how the power corrupts Michael into destroying both his families while Vito kept the family intact--but it just wasn't compelling enough for me. Plus confusing editing and a score that was loud and in-your-face and a distraction. And no emotional core, no great arc. Maybe I just want something more than the subtleties of power corrupting one man. Like some shoot-outs, some blood, some excitement, moments that make me gasp out loud.
But Robert De Niro as the young Vito Corleone was a revelation. His flashback scenes were beautifully photographed and had depth. Man, was he young!
My, "Eh, Part II, I could take it or leave it," look after the movie.

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