Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Star Wars Memory Lane: Special Edition - The Empire Strikes Back

February 24, 1997
Tonight we saw Empire Strikes Back. It was so good. The cloud city was so much better. They added some things to it, too. It wasn't very packed, though, because everybody had seen it on Friday or Saturday. 

 We weren't able to see it on Friday or Saturday because we were busy that weekend. That's at least what I wrote, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one who was busy. My mom, trying to placate me and be a good mom, told me we would see it on Monday for Family Home Evening.

Also, my preference for packed movie theaters was apparent even at fourteen. It still is; my favorite time to see a movie is opening day/weekend when crowds are the biggest. In a few years I'd discover midnight showings.

Empire is the best of the trilogy. It's dark and totally awesome. The poster art features only bad guys and their weapons of destruction. It takes place in a short amount of time (apparently....) and ends with the rebels defeated, missing limbs and entire people. There's also the big reveal of Vader being Luke's father. It's still my favorite, and the Special Edition isn't too bad (still not my preferred version, though).

Yesterday - A New Hope   Tomorrow - Return of the Jedi



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