During the summer months Topeka hosts Friday Night Art Walks on the first Friday of the month. This month Topeka Metro got in on the action because we were celebrating our 40th birthday. Or, as the cake said, "40 Years of Service". Quincy Street Station turned into an art studio for the night--the local high schools had students submit artwork to be displayed on a bus bench that represented their school or community and the winning pieces were displayed; local camps and kid programs also made artwork to be displayed inside the buses.
I stood around, wearing my name badge that says 'Julie Anderson, Planner', while I handed out balloons to kids (and some adults), while jammin' to the live music that my boss procured just hours before. It was a hit and there was plenty of cake, water and music to go around. Yay for transit providing services to people!
Live music and a balloon--does life get any better?!
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