Remember my
luck with winning suite tickets to a Jazz game? Well tonight was the night, and boy was it AWESOME! My guest (which was my mom) and I arrived promptly at 6:15 and were greeted by the chick who organized the whole thing, Carly. We were given our (totally awesome) t-shirts and waited with the other winners. We all laughed about how all of us, when we received the call that we had won, thought for sure it was a prank. It was a really great group of people that won. Our names got picked from a spreadsheet of at least 2500 who had joined the Jazz Green Team! Wow!
We were taken to our suite, where there was food and Mr. Pibb waiting for us. There was actually an assortment of drinks, but you can't get Mr. Pibb or its equivalent in the arena, so I was pretty excited about this. We were all kind of giddy with excitement.

Three minutes before the first half ended we all made our way down to the court. Again, we were all pretty giddy and excited. Then it was our chance to go out on court, and it all happened so fast that I'm not sure I can even explain it!! We made our way past the broadcaster station and I looked at Mattie H. He made eye contact with me and then waved at me! I waved back, of course, and then my mom shouted to him that he was my favorite. He got a big smile on his face and waved some more! So awesome!!

Then we were being rushed to center court, where our group had its picture taken and our names were called out. It seriously happened so fast and was quite the whirlwind. We barely had time to savor being on the court with the players. I snapped a few pics, but they're of the Nets players.

We all then headed back to our suite, excited and talkative about what had just happened. I was super regretful of not taking a picture of Mattie H. when he was so close. The second half was much more exciting, and the Jazz won. It was a night of pure awesomeness.