Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday Night With Cousins

Friday night, before heading to Abravanel Hall to check out some awesome music, I stopped at Temple Square to check out the blooming tulips. It was gorgeous and peaceful and magical and lovely. The smell of the pink, purple, yellow and red tulips permeated the entire area, mixing beautifully with the serene surroundings.

Then it was onto some classical music with my cousins. Phaedra has season tickets to the symphony, but sometimes she gets VIP tickets from her dad's boss, which was the case last night. She invited two of the coolest people she knows, me, of course, and our cousin Eric, who has been in Japan the past year or so teaching English. He has been everywhere (thanks to an early-out with the airline he worked for and getting to fly for free) and has even rode an elephant!

The music was the piano concerto no. 2 by Saint-Saens, a composer born in Paris who I had never heard of. It was amazing. After the first few bars, Phaedra and I looked at each other with a knowing glance of, "Oh yeah, this is awesome and I love it!" It ended all too soon, with a stunning finale of piano and orchestra combining to create an ending of 'fiery virtuoso'.

As always, I was moved by the music and reawakened my long-lost dream of being part of an orchestra making beautiful music for the masses. I'm glad that even though my skills are lacking, there are people out there whose skills are most definitely not lacking and they choose to share them with me.



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