Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Put That Sucker on the Fridge!

Today my teacher handed me back a test. I studied pretty hard for this one, and knew that I had to know my stuff because all the questions were short answer--no mutliple choice and no faking it. Guess what I got? 40 out of 39!! That's right, I even got the extra credit answer right! This was really good news to me, as I was feeling like I wasn't doing well in my GIS classes and was afraid everyone was passing me by (this was also the week I had three tests, so it felt good to do well on it). Tonight was definitely a motivator, and even though I probably won't put it on the fridge, I definitely had the desire to. So indulge me this moment of patting myself on the back...before studying for a test tomorrow.


pambelina said...


HeRoosSheRoos said...

Way to go! YOu should do better than the fridge, post it on your blog. :)


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