Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Losing It: Moving Sucks

I have lived in my loft for seven and a half months. Before this, I lived in my apartment in the avenues for two years. Everything had its place and I knew where it was. There are still a few things I haven't unpacked yet, but my books and picture frames were the two things I had to get out to feel settled.

I have unpacked all my books and all my picture frames, and I'm missing some! I have picture frames from Hawaii, Hollywood and New York and I can't find them anywhere. All my picture frames were in two boxes, both of which have been completely unpacked. Just tonight I realized that I am also missing my copy of The Book Thief. My friend Pam gave this to me and I love it. All my book boxes have been unpacked and it is nowhere to be found. Perhaps I've lent it to someone, but I got it back from my best friend Lindsay just before I moved so this seems unlikely.

I am convinced there is a random box somewhere with these items in it. Maybe it went to the DI on accident. Maybe it fell off the truck. Maybe I never put it in the truck. Whatever the reason, I'm super bummed that I've lost these things.


pambelina said...

I'll buy you a new copy. Will that help?


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