Monday, June 17, 2013

Be Celebrated

I came across this beautiful image and saying on Pinterest last week. It really hit me. For a long time I've let myself get caught up in why certain people didn't like me. I would let it bother me until I would feel depressed about it. Which was silly, because I have plenty of people who do love me and celebrate me, so why should care about those who don't?!

I have friends and family who love me and care for me and want to see the best for me. And I feel exactly the same for them. I want to celebrate them and they want to celebrate me. These are the people I should be focusing on, not those who merely tolerate me. Go where you are celebrated!


pambelina said...

I miss you so much it makes me want to cry, but I'm so happy for you. I hope you're finding people who celebrate you in Kansas.


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