Thursday, September 6, 2012

Selling to Me

Trying to sell something to someone can be a difficult task. I know that I'm awful at it. But there's one thing that I do know: I will never be convinced to buy your product or vote for you or change my ways if your selling point is ragging on your competitor. Tell me what your product can do that's amazing, tell me what you can do that's amazing, tell me why your way is awesome. Tell me what you can do, not what is so awful about your competitor.

(Disclaimer: I know this comes off as a political rant, but I've had this thought in my head for awhile, and it stems from a lot of things, like my best friend buying a Kindle because the salesperson's pitch for the Nook was basically bashing the Kindle. Obviously, though, it can be applied to politics, religion, what school to attend, what job to take, who to marry,.....)



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