Yesterday I put my sister on a train headed for Newark and on Wednesday I put my mom on a bus headed for La Guardia. So I'm all alone again after a week and a half of spending the time sharing the city with them. It was so weird getting used to having people with me all the time, and then when I finally got "used" to it and had to ride the subway home alone after Em left
that was a little weird. But I adjusted to it pretty quickly and even took a little nap on the way home after the busy week we had.

If I had posted every night while they were here I could've given a much better account of what we did. But with my pretty awful memory, all I can really do is post some pictures and remember what we were doing, but a lot of the days just run together in my mind.

I first showed them around the city and a few places I like to go: Bryant Park, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, Times Square. Well, I don't actually like to go to Times Square very often as it is overcrowded with a jillion people, but it's still an experience. And whenever I'm there at night it's kinda cool. So that first night Mom and Em were quite the troopers and did a lot of walking with me. You see, when you're in the city you don't think of walking as that big of a deal and everything seems close. We ended up walking from 42nd street all the way up to 72nd street, because whenever we'd stop somewhere to eat, look around, use a bathroom, I'd always think of something that was just a few more blocks up. But I think the city's the coolest at night and it's better than seeing a dirty subway station.

I'll just list off some of the things we did and then post some pictures to go with them (although I'm not quite as picture-taking crazy as Cat so there aren't as many as there should be): World Trade Center visitor's tour, pizza downtown, getting caught in the rain, playing Phase 10 in Central Park, eating at Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square, going to the Top of the Rock (which in my opinion is cool than the Empire State Building), eating ice cream at Serendipity, having cannolis in Little Italy, going to a Broadway show, visiting the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, staying up late to watch the Olympics, and being refused when I wanted to share my favorite place in the city with them--Grey's Papaya!
We also went to the American Museum of Natural History. I was super excited to see the dinosaurs and wanted to spend more time there.....

while Emily was less than excited.

So now it's back to the regular grind of work and life in the city. It's fun to see the city as a tourist for a little while because I usually see it as this crazy place that I'm constantly trying to stay ahead of and make my way in. It must be nice to just come for a little while and then get to go home. But this is home for me.
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