I was running errands after work, my attempt to be productive instead of continuing my binge of Jane the Virign on Netflix. I knew we were expecting rain, and it was quite windy, but I didn't think there'd be a tornado warning.
But there I was in Lowe's when my phone gave me an update: Tornado Warning for Denton County. The was still pretty and blue, with not a dark cloud in site. Lovely, actually. I could hear the sirens.
As I got in my car to head to Barnes and Noble (on a quest to get the Sports Illustrated Royals World Series cover) the National Weather Service interrupted my NPR-listening to tell me that a storm with tornado strong winds was just now leaving Argyle and was making its way to Denton. I kept going, though, as the mall was close. I arrived and the sky was still calm, and found that the bookstore had not yet received the issue I wanted. I then went on a quest to find a World Series tshirt (to no avail....). When I made it back to Barnes and Noble not ten minutes later, ready to leave, it was clear that something was definitely on its way: the sky had turned dark and was overtaking the light.
No rain yet, so a bunch of us stood outside to watch the storm come in. It was magnificent. Then a bolt of lightning and a crack of thunder sent most of us inside. Once the raindrops started to fall I made my way back inside the book store as well. And then it hit.
Rain and wind and lightning and thunder.
It passed, and I made my way home. In quite heavy rain. Biscuit was safe and sound.
And tornado experience number two was in the books.
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