He got me to see a movie I was initially not interested in or averse to seeing. He did it first with
Mission: Impossible 3 then again a couple summers ago with
Star Trek. And last night he did it again with
Super 8. When I had first heard about the movie, I was not interested. Even the early trailer didn't do much to make me want to see it. I guess I thought it was going to be about kids making movies (since Spielberg is a Producer, it made sense).
Man was I wrong. J.J. Abrams is
that good (and Spielberg, too).
What happens to the kids as they make their movie is amazing and terrifying. The title would never lead you to think that it's about some secret operation that takes over a town and the possible other-worldly-creature that they are tracking. The later trailers definitely lean more towards an alien-type movie, but even those are misleading, I believe.
The story and characters never take backseat to the alien, and certainly never to CGI. It's not melodramatic or sappy or absurd or silly. The dialogue is real and funny, and the emotions not faked or flimsy. There's real suspense and intrigue; early on in the movie, Summer screamed and Julie jumped, causing me to jump as well and my box of Reese's Pieces to fly in the air, raining down on me and my neighbors. For another sequence I sat with my jaw dropped. One scene I cried. Multiple other scenes I laughed.
The movie's been compared to
The Goonies,
Staned By Me, and
E.T. And those are all great comparisons. The
movie is so well-executed that I find myself wanting to see it again. Although if I go with you, I will be jealous that you get to experience it for the first time!