Friday, October 12, 2012


This was taken from my former home teacher's Wall on Facebook:
              "Rude (rood). Adj. 1. Your political candidate at a debate. See assertive.

               Assertive (ah-SUR-tiv). Adj. 1. My political candidate at a debate. See rude.

              Can we move on now, please?"

It got me thinking about my obsession with perspective, which stems from a verse in Alma from The Book of Mormon that I could not find again until a couple weeks ago.  It is Alma 62: 41 and is this:

       41 But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their aafflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility.

We choose to see what we want to see, and react how we choose to react based on that. Perspective is an interesting thing. 



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