Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Don't Turn Off the Lights Pt.2

When I lived in New York, there was a couple of nights where I left the light on as I slept to protect myself from cockroaches that would come out to play in the dark. It helped my psyche more than anything.

I do not have a cockroach problem in my new abode, but have had enough spider sitings and incidences (the bathtub is the worst) to make me a little wary. I know rationally that there's not really anything to fear about spiders; I don't know anyone who's died from a spider bite and their lifespan is probably pretty short. But somehow the irrational part of my brain cannot accept this, and I end up worrying about them being in my home. I've actually had nightmares about them, where I've woken up in the middle of the night because my mind made me think I saw one falling down onto me. I jumped out of bed and turned on the light. Of course there was no spider, but I couldn't make my mind be convinced.

So my solution was to sleep with the light on. Not quite sure how this helps, but somehow it does. I feel very foolish about this, but I think spider fear is quite real, even if it is irrational.


Andrew and Gina said...

oh yuck! I would seriously move. I HATE spiders SOOOO much. I know it's irrational but still. People ask me what am I afraid of... I'm afraid that little beast is gonna touch me!

Get Ortho HomeDefense and spray your whole place. I do it a few times a year.

pambelina said...

Spiders scare me to death. There seems to be a lot more "nature" here at our new home. I used to be terrified to kill a spider on my own, but now I'm scared one will lay eggs in baby Dane (I know, I know, it's stupid), so I go all Mama Bear and squash them. To protect the baby.


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