Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Grandma's Necklace

One time, rather randomly, my grandma sent me a necklace of hers in the mail. I hadn't asked for it. I hadn't noticed it while visiting and commented on it. I actually had never seen it before. But I liked it and was thankful to get it. The necklace is gold with a green diamond. I don't own any gold jewelery except a simple pair of hoops that I bought for the specific purpose of wearing with this necklace.

I wore this necklace today to church, as I almost always pair it with my green skirt because it matches. I like having a part of my Grandma that I can physically put on me. I don't know why one day she decided to send it to me, but I'm glad that she did.


Scrolling Kate said...
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Scrolling Kate said...

Beautiful necklace!

P.S. that's my first comment on blogspot. Firstborn! Hope you're well Julie ^^

Scrolling Kate said...

oh Gosh it shows deleted comments? I just made a typo there, don't mind


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